Latest Episodes
Tamanna Salikuddin on Pakistan’s New Military Chief
General Asim Munir was appointed as the new head of Pakistan's military this week — a position often viewed as the de facto leader...
Mary Glantz on the G20 Summit
The joint leaders' statement at the G20 Summit, while largely symbolic, showed that "Russia [is] a lot more isolated than perhaps we'd been led...
Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen on Israel’s Election
A coalition involving several extreme right-wing parties has Benjamin Netanyahu poised to return as Israel's prime minister. "In some sense he owes them a...
Tegan Blaine on the COP27 Climate Conference
As COP27 continues in Egypt, USIP's Tegan Blaine says, "The one issue that is really beginning to explode this year is the issue of...
Knox Thames on the Role of Religion in the Ukraine War
Russian President Vladimir Putin invoked religion as part of his justification for Russia's attack on Ukraine, believing their shared Orthodox history would lend credibility...
Andrew Scobell on China’s National Party Congress
Chinese leader Xi Jinping cemented himself as "clearly the most powerful ruler in China since Mao" at the recent National Party Congress. But USIP's...