On Peace

U.S. Institute of Peace experts discuss the latest foreign policy issues from around the world in this brief weekly collaboration with SiriusXM‘s POTUS Channel 124. In about 10 minutes, each episode of On Peace distills ...more

Latest Episodes

December 03, 2020 00:11:03
Episode Cover

Scott Smith on U.S. Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan

With news of a breakthrough in Afghan peace talks, USIP’s Scott Smith warns that future troop withdrawal should “switch from a time-based deadline approach...


November 19, 2020 00:09:26
Episode Cover

Susan Stigant on Ethiopia’s Escalating Civil Conflict

As rising violence in Ethiopia threatens to pull neighboring Eritrea into the fray, USIP’s Susan Stigant says, “There is a real need for some...


November 12, 2020 00:14:04
Episode Cover

Keith Mines on the Future of U.S. Latin America Policy

Intense polarization in Bolivia, Venezuela, and Colombia will present Washington with significant challenges in the years ahead. But USIP’s Keith Mines says, for the...


October 28, 2020 00:08:36
Episode Cover

Kathleen Kuehnast on the 20th Anniversary of UN Resolution 1325

Two decades after the passage of the landmark resolution on women, peace and security, USIP’s Kathleen Kuehnast points to the 86 countries that have...


October 22, 2020 00:11:07
Episode Cover

Sarhang Hamasaeed on the Anniversary of Iraq’s Protests

A year after Iraqis took to the street, USIP’s Sarhang Hamasaeed says, “The spirits of the protest remain strong,” but that reforms undertaken so...


October 15, 2020 00:09:42
Episode Cover

Ann Phillips on Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict

As fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh continues to escalate, USIP’s Ann Phillips breaks down the complex geopolitical stakes that have sprung up around the conflict, which...
