Latest Episodes

Vikram Singh on Tensions Along the China-India Border
In recent weeks, Chinese and Indian soldiers have been fighting on their long-disputed border. USIP’s Vikram Singh says these skirmishes are not new—but that...

Jacob Stokes on China’s Hong Kong Policy
After Beijing passed a new law curtailing freedom in Hong Kong, protests have again erupted in the territory. USIP’s Jacob Stokes says Hong Kong’s...

Scott Worden on the Afghan Power-sharing Deal
A political deal to resolve the disputed 2019 presidential election was finally reached over the weekend. USIP’s Scott Worden says the agreement “is quite...

Patricia Kim on China and Coronavirus in the Red Sea Arena
With coronavirus spreading in the Red Sea region, USIP’s Patricia Kim says Red Sea states don’t want to be forced to choose between major...

Tyler Beckelman on Cooperation to Combat Coronavirus
A “mixed” response from the international community is threatening a worst-case scenario for fragile states facing COVID-19. USIP’s Tyler Beckelman says countries need to...

Jonathan Pinckney on Social Movements and Coronavirus
Coronavirus has led to a 70 percent decline in public protests worldwide compared to last year—but this doesn’t mean social movements are going away....