Latest Episodes

Thomas Hill on the Upheaval in North Africa
From Algeria to Libya and beyond, North Africa has been roiled by unrest in recent months. USIP’s Thomas Hill says at its core this...

Amb. Bill Taylor on Ukraine’s Presidential Elections
Following his election observation, Taylor discusses Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s victory and how he can build support at home and abroad. “The president-elect is already getting...

Susan Stigant on the Turmoil in Sudan
The overthrow of longtime dictator Omar al-Bashir could have important implications for Sudan and the broader region, says Susan Stigant. “What we see in...

Nancy Lindborg on Iraq Rebuilding After ISIS
Following her trip to Iraq, Nancy Lindborg discusses the country’s efforts to rebuild after ISIS. “They’ve [ISIS] been deprived of their territory …. rebuilding...

Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen on the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty 40 Years Later
Reflecting on the 40th anniversary of the Egypt-Israel peace treaty, Kurtzer-Ellenbogen says, “One of the big factors with the Egypt-Israel agreement was … bold,...

Sarhang Hamasaeed on the Challenges Facing Iraq’s New Government
USIP’s Sarhang Hamasaeed says, “Iraq is at its best state in the last five years. The country is recovering from an existential fight with...